Lab Director 
>Tony L. Goldberg, Professor of Epidemiology, University of Wisconsin-Madison
- DVM, 2000, University of Illinois
- MS, Epidemiology, 2000, University of Illinois
- Ph.D., Anthropology, 1996, Harvard University
- B.A., Biology & English, 1990, Amherst College
My training spans the biological and social sciences, which helps my laboratory engage in cross-disciplinary research. In addition to my professional interests, I enjoy the outdoors (hiking, biking, canoeing, fishing, skiing) as well as literature, music, theatre, and other cultural activities, all of which are readily available in and around the wonderful city of Madison, Wisconsin.
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Lab members

The Goldberg lab consists of dedicated, motivated individuals. Although our projects, programs, and approaches vary widely, everyone is bound by a common interest in health and disease, conservation, and a spirit of cooperation.
Current lab members
Nathan Bollig (PhD Student, Computer Sciences Program, University of Wisconsin-Madison). Machine learning, artificial intelligence, and syndromic surveillance in veterinary medicine.
Emily Dunay (PhD Student, Comparative Biomedical Sciences Program, University of Wisconsin-Madison). Infectious disease and health in sanctuary chimpanzees.
Chris Dunn (Research Specialist, University of Wisconsin-Madison). Pathogen discovery, next-generation DNA sequencing, informatics, mammalogy.
Charlotte Ford (Post-Doctoral Researcher, University of Wisconsin-Madison). Infection and conservation of aquatic and marine organisms.
Leah Owens (DVM/PhD Student, Comparative Biomedical Sciences Program, University of Wisconsin-Madison). Molecular ecology of parasites.
Jordan Richard (PhD Student, Freshwater and Marine Sciences Program, University of Wisconsin-Madison). Health, disease, and conservation of freshwater mussels.
Taylor Weary (DVM/PhD Student, Comparative Biomedical Sciences Program, University of Wisconsin-Madison). Epidemiology of reverse zoonoses in wild chimpanzees.
Visiting scholars (past and present)
Barbara Colitti (PhD Student, University of Torino). Evolution and epidemiology of viruses of domestic livestock.
Francesco Cerutti (PhD Student, University of Torino). Evolution of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus.
Charlotte Francoeur (PhD Graduate, University Wisconsin-Madison, Cameron Currie lab). Ecology and evolution of viruses of attine ants.
Cynthia Howard (MS Student, University of Ghana, Accra, Ghana . Viruses of bat flies in Ghana.
Brenda Lujano (MS Student, Universidad de Guadalajar, México Centro Universitario de la Costa Sur, México) . Viruses of bat flies in Mexico.
Julius Nziza (Country Coordinatory, Mountain Gorilla Veterinary Project, Rwanda). Molecular epidemiology of primate viruses.
Dickson Tayebwa (Ph.D. Student, Makerere University, Uganda). Viruses of free-roaming dogs in Uganda.
Patrick Tusiime (Kasiisi Project, Uganda). Epidemiology of respiratory infections in Uganda.
Sarah Phillips-Garcia (PhD Graduate, University of New Mexico). Reproductive ecology, parasitology and genetics of chimpanzees.
Veterinary and undergraduate students (past and present)
Kayla Bonack (Undergraduate student, University of Wisconsin-Madison). Parasitology and conservation of chimpanzees.
Shiman Bose (Undergraduate student, Univeristy of Wisconsin-Madison). Microbial ecology of bonefish in the Caribbean.
Kate Burkart (Undergraduate student, University of Wisconsin-Madison). Parasitology and conservation of chimpanzees.
Jessica Carag (DVM student, University of Wisconsin-Madison). Parasitology and conservation of wild primates and domestic dogs.
Daisy Chew (Undergraduate student, University of Wisconsin-Madison). Biology and conservation of freshwater mussels.
Tia Diaz (Undergraduate student, University of Wisconsin-Madison). Parasitology and conservation of chimpanzees.
Kylie Grady (DVM student, University of Wisconsin-Madison). Parasitology and conservation of chimpanzees.
Graduates (and where they are now)
Tavis Anderson (Research Scientist, USDA-ARS, Ames, IA). Ecology, evolution, and mathematical modeling of infectious disease.
Andrew Bennett (Navy Medical Research Center, Fort Detrick, MD). Ecology and evolution of bat-associated viruses.
Kelsey Brown (University of Wisconsin-Madison graduate). Parasitology of Nigerian primates.
Lewis Campbell (Scientist, NatureMetrics, UK). Ecology, pathogenesis and control of white-nose syndrome in bats.
Sagan Friant (Assistant Professor, Penn State University). Human health and wildlife conservation in Nigerian bushmeat hunting communities.
Tricia Fry (Fish and Wildlife Health Coordinator, Midwest Association for Fish and Wildlife Agencies).
Ria Ghai (National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases, CDC, Atlanta, GA). Molecular epidemiology of helminth and protozoan parasites in Uganda.
Charles Hartley (University of Wisconsin-Madison graduate) . Ecology of mosquito-borne disease in Chicago, USA.
Jeremy Hemberger (PhD student, University of Wisconsin-Madison Department of Entomology, Madison WI). Ecology of mosquito invasion in Chicago, USA.
David Hyeroba (DVM, MS, Makerere University, Uganda). Health and demography of "village dogs" in Uganda.
Carly Malavé (Microbiologist, United States Geological Survey-Natonal Wildlife Health Center, Madison, WI). Human dimensions of infectious disease in Uganda.
Aleia McCord (Associate Director for African Studies, Univeristy of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI). Biogas and sustainable energy in Uganda.
Jacob Negrey (Research Fellow, Wake Forest University School of Medicine, Winston-Salem NC). Demography, health, and infection in wild chimpanzees.
Christina Newman (Scientist, University of Wisconsin-Madison AIDS Vaccine Research Laboratory, Madison, WI). Experimental studies of arboviruses.
Sarah Paige (Senior Advisor, Global Health Security, USAID, Kampala, Uganda). Human dimensions of health and disease.
Avery Peace (Research Assistant, Laboratory of Virology and Infectious Disease, Rockefeller University). Tick-borne pathogens in the Upper Midwestern USA.
Mason Saari (University of Wisconsin-Madison graduate). Parasitology of Nigerian primates.
Sam Sibley (Technical Scientist, Promega Corporation, Fitchburg, WI). Virus discovery and evolution.
Whitney Thiel (Clinical Diagnostician, University of Idaho). Ecology and management of viral hemorrhagic septicemia virus in Wisconsin.
Tulika Singh (CRTA Fellow, National Institutes of Health, Center for Global Health, Bethesda, MD). Global human health in the developing world.
Mary Thurber (Clinical Instructor, Zoological Medicine, Department of Surgical Sciences, University of Wisconsin-Madison and Veterinarian for the Henry Vilas Zoo, Madison, WI). Ecology of apicomplexan parasites in primates and birds.
Karen Vanderwolf (Trent University, Department of Environmental and Life Sciences). Microbial ecology and mycology of white-nose syndrome in bats.
Michelle Verant (Veterinarian, United States Natonal Park Service, Fort Collins, CO). Control strategies for white-nose syndrome in bats of the United States.
Geoffrey Weny (DVM, MS, Makerere University, Uganda). United Nations Veterinarian, Somalia.
Anna Wilson-Rothering (Animal Research Operations Manager, Wilson’s Prairie View Farm, Burlington, WI). Epidemiology and diagnostics of viral hemorrhagic septicemia virus in Wisconsin.
The complexity of problems at the intersection of health, disease, and ecology requires a team approach. None of the projects in the Goldberg lab would be possible without the active participation of a talented set of collaborators. We are always seeking fruitful collaborations and welcome inquiries about cooperative projects.